Latin American Studies



Jamie Andreson

WGSS and History

Leann Andrews

Built environment design activism, one health, Peru

Magalí Armillas-Tiseyra

Modern Latin American literature

Maggie Borowitz

Art History

Krista Brune

Luso-Afro-Brazilian literature and culture

José M. Capriles

Precolumbian Latin American archaeology

Colleen Connolly-Ahern

International Political Advertising and Health Communications

Martha Few

Colonial Latin American History

Kirk D. French

Anthropological Films in Mesoamerica

Larry Gorenflo

Mexican Archaeology, Biodiversity Conservation

Sean X. Goudie

Caribbean-US Cultural Relations

Elizabeth Gray

Comparative Literature

Christopher Heaney

Latin American History

Ken Hirth

Precolumbian Latin American Archaeology

John D. Holst

Latin American Adult Education

Carter A. Hunt

biodiversity conservation and ecotourism

Marco Antonio Martínez

Spanish Department

Sophia A. McClennen

Culture of Latin America

Sarah McDonald

Academic Adviser

Eduardo Mendieta

Philosophy and Latina/o Studies

Karen Miller

Language acquisition in English and Spanish-Speaking Children

Henry James Morello

Literatures and Cultures of the Americas and Spain

Belén Noroña


Simone Osthoff

Critical Studies, Sustainability and Social action

Manuel Ostos

Latin American Library Collections

Juliet Pinto

Environmental Communication and Media

Matthew Restall

Colonial Latin American History

Judith Sierra-Rivera

Intellectual Thought, Emotions, and Body Politics

Amara Solari

Latin American Art History

Sarah J. Townsend

Theater and Performance, Old and New Media

Melissa W. Wright

Mexico-US borderlands, social justice movements

Karl Zimmerer

Agrobiodiversity, Sustainability and Resilience of Food Systems